August 1, 2018

Keeping Up With the Baileys: June and July

Hey friends!! What a beautiful and sleep deprived 2 months it has been. I am new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me. But, I was really wanting a way to preserve memories as well as share some of my photos of our girls and some of my latest work. SO……..blogging seemed to be the perfect fit. And through the blogs I hope I am able to share sweet memories and inspire others as well. So, thank you for joining me on this journey. Stick around as I get better and better at this. And I truly hope I can make an impact through this little outlet of mine.

You can also follow along on my journey through social media. Find me on instagram at @baileycara and Facebook at Cara Ashley Bailey and Cara Bailey Photography.

Beautiful image by Nina Skaggs Design & Photo

Family of Four. 
Wow, that sounds intimidating as I say it out loud. I couldn’t have fathomed this life a few years ago when Seth and I got married. But here we are with our two sweet little girls. As I am writing this blog, I currently feed my baby and look over at my toddler watching her favorite show. 
Being a mom of two kiddos now requires a whole new level of multi-tasking! 

We have started to get into a nice groove as a family of four. 
The first few weeks were challenging trying to figure out a new schedule and rhythm. But now we are starting to get the hang of things and figure out this new way of living! Our days start off slow with lots of nursing the baby, watching Disney channel, and sipping coffee. (Cold coffee….because I usually forget my cup is sitting there after getting Emma all her needs and feeding or changing the baby. haha) These past two months have definitely had their very hard moments where I just wanted to cry and fall apart. But they also had beautiful and emotional moments that I don’t want to forget. I cried so much those first few weeks after having Lila. Seeing how big Emma looked compared to Lila made me cry. Being over tired made me cry. Recovering after birth made me cry. Spending time with family and then having to say good bye made me cry. I’ve been an emotional mess to say the least. My poor husband! But all of those emotions are so normal and I wouldn’t change it one bit. Having a new baby is such an adjustment. But more than that, its a huge huge blessing! I am happy to say that the crying has gotten way better. haha. I think those crazy hormones are starting to level out again. 
Life with Lila is so fun! We just love her. 
I honestly can’t remember life without her. Isn’t that weird how that happens? It’s like, before they are born you can’t imagine loving another little human the way you love your first baby. And then all of the sudden they are here and you can’t believe you never had them in your life until now! Love is CRAZY and so amazing. I could go on and on about this topic, but I’ll save that for another day. 

Emma absolutely loves her little sister. It is so fun to watch her kiss and love on her. The first thing Emma asks for in the morning is to see the baby. She says, “Where baby Lila?” It melts my heart into a puddle!!

Over the past two months, our baby girl has grown and grown!!! She is chunky as can be and never skips a meal. I am pretty sure she gains a new roll somewhere on her body each day. haha. But for real! We make fat babies and I love it!

Emma has been changing so much as well! She loves to play pretend. Her imagination is sooo good and her vocabulary expanded like crazy in June and July! Her favorite things to do are play with Barbies, Little People Toys, and play dough. She loves princess movies and Mickey Mouse. and she loves loves loves to read books. Her current fave is The Pout Pout Fish. And she can count all by herself to 12! What???

Life in June and July were different than most summer months would be. Since it has been THE MOST hot and humid summer in all of history (maybe an exaggeration, but it has been excruciating! haha) we have been stuck inside a lot more than a normal summer. Especially since we have had a newborn and we haven’t wanted to expose her to the extreme temps. We have resorted to lots of indoor activities, photoshoots, and resting. It has probably been just what I needed, however I would have loved to visit the pool at least a few more times if we could have. 
Anyways, this summer flew by with a newborn. The sleep deprived nights and all the newness of getting to know our girl has occupied our days. And I really wouldn’t want it any other way. 
 Here are some fun weekly photos of Lila. As a sleep deprived mama, I didn’t come up with this idea until week 4…but I love watching her grow and love having these little memories. I plan to keep it up…(as long as my mama brain can remember!) 

Some memorable times these past two months have included: spending time with our family and friends after having Lila, celebrating Lila’s first 4th of July, visiting Springfield, MO, going to the amazing Wonders of Wildlife Aquarium, attending a styled wedding photoshoot called The Experience Shootout,  and celebrating Emma’s third birthday.  Here are some photos of our crazy but fun month!

Well, if you have made it this far, then you are my true friend! haha but seriously! Thank you! I hope you all have the most blessed week. Thanks for keeping up with the Baileys for now. 
Love ya all!

Xoxo, Cara 

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Cara Bailey Photography
Springfield, Missouri